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Corporate Finance

Acquisitions Sometimes the best solution to enter into a new market is by acquiring an existing company. A acquisition strategy can offer advantages such as starting operations quicker, an existing market share, competitive advantages, and the qualified employees which are all readily available from the start.

If you are considering a new investment, we offer services such as:  

  • Operations Analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Consult on financial strategies
  • Make an offer on your behalf (if you wish to be anonymous)


Selling a business Having your own business is exciting, challenging, developing, and time consuming. Therefore, when it is time to move on to the next stage in your career or personal life, all the hard work should hopefully pay off. We offer our services to ensure that you get a great offer when you decide to sell.

If you are considering selling your business, we offer services such as:

  • Write an investment report
  • Consult on financial strategies
  • Organize a sales campaign
  • Facilitate the sale


Please contact us for further information

Last modified on 12 November 2019